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 MTS launches 3 new CDMA2000 phones

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MTS launches 3 new CDMA2000 phones Empty
PostSubject: MTS launches 3 new CDMA2000 phones   MTS launches 3 new CDMA2000 phones EmptyWed Sep 08, 2010 9:24 am

MTS, a new entrant to the mobile operator industry in India, has launched three new phones (Alive, Buzz, and Ivory) to showcase its CDMA2000 technology, and has also kicked off a CDMA2000 road show along with its partner, Qualcomm. All three phones can also function as modems. Detailed specifications however, are not known at this point.

MTS launches 3 new CDMA2000 phones Mts_alive-165x300

The MTS Alive handset is manufactured by ZTE, and features a 2.8-inch touchscreen, a 1.3MP camera, and native social networking. It is priced at Rs. 6,000.

MTS launches 3 new CDMA2000 phones Mts_buzz-189x300

The MTS Buzz handset is manufactured by Micromax, and is a full QWERTY dual SIM (CDMA - GSM) device with a 2.4-inch display and 1.3MP camera. It is priced at Rs. 4,999

MTS launches 3 new CDMA2000 phones Mts_ivory-300x252

The MTS Ivory handset is manufactured by Fly, and features a Windows Mobile operating system (presumably Windows Mobile 6.5), Microsoft Exchange Push email, a 3.2-inch touchscreen, 2MP camera, Bluetooth with A2DP, and expandable microSD memory up to 4GB. It is priced at Rs. 13,500.
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